Sunday, February 10, 2013

Singing Elevators

I would like to start out by saying that this is my first post on this blog and I'm SUPER overwhelmed as what to write... SO MANY OPTIONS. I've had many weird experiences so far living in the city that I can't even think of just one to tell you about. So like normal I will probably ramble on until some sort of decipherable message spills out...

Most importantly I should introduce myself right!? My name is Megan, and I'm in charge of writing all the weird encounters I see/hear/etc first hand in the city. I was probably assigned this page due to all my stories (with absolutely no point) usually involving something strange happening.

The first odd experience that comes to mind happened recently... I was waiting outside of the elevators in our dorm with Chanda, which usually takes FOREVER.. or maybe I'm just impatient..
We were idly chatting when we heard a loud opera-like singing ring from the elevator doors. We looked at each other and smirked because it was funny, but we both assumed it was probably a bunch of friends messing around in the elevator.

The Elevator finally opened on our floor and inside was JUST ONE lonely guy standing by himself... he was a pretty big guy too! I started to laugh a bit because I realized that this guy had just been SCREAMING opera music in the himself...

I guess I shouldn't NOT expect this coming from a school with a large musical theatre program.

I will have to be on the lookout for more oddities that happen throughout my day! I usually witness a lot of interesting people. Now get back to your school-work kiddies!


*photo from

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