Hey Guys!
So its finally Spring Break for all of us here at Eyes of NYC and you know what that means?! Nothing! We are being super lazy after all of our hard work during Mid-Terms. Just kidding! We are relaxing from our mid-terms but as for Chanda and I here in the city we are exploring so many places we've never been and doing a little celeb hunting on the side. The weeks not over yet but I thought it would be fun to tell you what we've done so far day by day.
Friday 3/22- The new Taylor Swift song 22 has become one of those songs you both love and hate because its annoying but also freakishly catchy. It became the anthem of Friday night and since it was the 22nd we decided to take advice from T-Swizle herself and do everything in the song right here in the Big Apple.
Soo.. Incase some of you have never heard the song enjoy the catchy tune below so you can understand all of the silly stuff we did!
Second: It really was the perfect night for breakfast at midnight because at Waverly's 24 Hour diner that is an option. We did NOT in fact fall in love with any strangers (though we did try hard quite a few times) but on our train ride home a drunk guy was hitting on our friend Ren and from there decided to follow us home on the same train so in some way I guess he did fall in love with her.
Third: In many ways everyone is Happy Free Confused and Lonely at the same time. Its called having emotions. Way to just state the obvious Taylor Swift. From there we proceeded to "ditch the whole scene" and make our way back home at about 2 am.
So that was our 22 night! It was fun and silly and a great way to kick off Spring Break!
This was a picture Chanda took of me (looking very hipster under that non-hipster peacoat) when I found this Game of Thrones like throne on the side of the street made from an old tree stump.
Till next time
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