Friday, July 26, 2013

Channeling my inner Stalker- I mean Savannah...

Working Girl and the City (kinda)
Since Savannah is currently residing in California, she isn't able to do the fun celeb stalking- I mean hunting- that she usually does. So today she asked me to do her dirty work for her and surprisingly, it was kind of fun, very awkward at times, but still fun.

So this post is about the Lonely Island, a musical comedy group, and if you don't know who they are, I'll help you get acquainted with one of my favorite videos by the group. Warning: There is vulgar language and innuendos within this content.  

Okay, now that you are familiar, I can continue on my story on how I met these lovely hilarious dudes. 

So the Apple Store in SoHo is famous for their free top notch events and today was no different. They hosted the Lonely Island and I got to sit 3rd row and watch the beauty of the night unfold.

These guys are seriously funny on and off screen and it's that type of comedy where it's just effortless to them and they just bounce off of each other so well. It's amazing. 
Well, that's what happens when you are friends since you were 12 (Awww adorable, right? And they became successful together, Love it!)

If you are dying to know what happened that night, Itunes has a PodCast of the entire event for free! A girl next to me asked a question so you might see my hair and shirt (that's how you know you made it guys)

Afterwards, I was by the stage door trying to figure out how to get uptown and saw a group of people waiting and decided to also. Load and Behold, I got the meet the Lonely Island! I couldn't take a pic with Andy because he was swamped but I did get a pic and a hug from Jorma (he's my favorite).

(This is Jorma and I's Fourth of July Photo to our fams since we're in love btw, haha.
I wish.)
Overall it was an awesome night and I rewarded my with some great fro-yo from 16 handles! 

So that was my Savannah moment-hoped you enjoyed guys. Check back for more posts.

Stay true and love to be you!
-Chanda D

P.S. I met the host for the evening also! His name is John Mulaney and he is a writer for SNL and is the guy responsible for Stefon from the Weekend Updates. He is super nice, I got a chance to speak with him, and ultra funny so check out his stuff too! 

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