Tuesday, February 19, 2013

El Concierto en la Tormenta de Nieve

Everyone knows about the Blizzard Nemo that just passed, right? Well, while everyone was hibernating and doing nothing... Daniella and I went to the Passion Pit, Matt & Kim, and Icona Pop concert. All offices closed around 1:00 or 3:00 that day but that wasn't stopping Daniella and I from attending at Madison Square Garden. 
Madison Square Garden is one of my favorite venues to go to. It is so spacious. Most people don't realize this but, Madison Square Garden is the top for some artists. It is known to be a very prestigious opportunity to be able to perform in front of the thousands of people that get tickets for MSG. Many artists and sports players have played there. It is an amazing opportunity. By them knowing this, they make sure that they put on a fantastic show, and that it was.
I had high expectations for this concert and they were met. Considering how much snow we got, the concert wasn't cancelled. I wasn't surprise though because Madison Square Garden hardly ever cancels shows. Nothing was stopping us. We were going to celebrate Daniella's birthday like the fun gals that we are. I thought a lot of people were going to back out due to weather issues, but most people were as adventurous as us and showed up with bells on.
Despite the weather, it was overall a great performance! When we got there, Icona Pop just went on and we thought it wasn't going to be a big turn out because there was hardly anyone there. The only song that I recognized by them was "I Love It." They still did a great performance. Next, Matt & Kim, who did great. Everyone knows them by their song "Daylight." They are actually a couple and that's uncommon to see nowadays. They have good chemistry and they knew how to put on a great show. Last but definitely not least, Passion Pit came on. They were amazing and we jammed out to every song along with everyone else at MSG. It was overall a great time and I'm happy we got to venture through Nemo the Blizzard.


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