Monday, February 11, 2013

Daily Antics

Happy Monday!

Well hopefully I post this before midnight... if not then happy Tuesday! 

I would like to share a weird moment that happened last night. This time it wasn't caused from people around the school or the city but right inside my own dorm. Yup, Sydney and I sometimes get a bit... rowdy, I would say, from being cooped up all day during school.

What we discovered is a great workout but probably only for people in an energetic mood.
First of all don't attempt this if you have neighbors below you because it's pretty obnoxious. (Although we didn't really take that into account at the time..). Second, to attempt this to it's full beneficial "workout" potential, make sure there are two beds parallel each other at a high distance off the ground. To get on my bed I usually step on a stool while Sydney attempts the 'run and jump' method. (She was on track at one point).

Basically all this "workout" includes is us running from our bed to the other's bed, while jumping on the top each time (kind of like a hurdle). This usually continues for around five minutes until we become exhausted, bored from the continuous motion, or have to stop from laughing too hard. 

I don't know what compelled us to do this, but we usually never know what does. Sometimes I find that the most strange things happen right within our own doors. 

On a side note: Never leave your room for a long period of time because your friends WILL find a way to prank you. Like flipping all your furniture and personal belongings after Christmas break. Not that I'm pointing any fingers. Or putting toilet paper all over my bed and the ceiling. AGAIN, not pointing any fingers.

I'll keep my eye out for more bizarre occurrences throughout the city! For now the weird moments of our own are sometimes just as great. Have a good week!


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